
BR1-o8 : The Phantom of the Opera.

The Phantom of the Opera (Usborne Young Reading Series)

"You!" Christine gasped, spinning around. "My angel of music!" (p45)

I have seen a musical of "The Phantom of the Opera" , and the movie prodeuced by Joel Schumacher. I thought this is very beautiful and sad story. Also, I thought this story looks like " The Bells of Notre Dame." Both Qusimodo and Phantom are deformed children. They are disliked by everybody because of their looks, and they don't know mother's love. Phantom has never been kissed by others, even his own mother. I wanted him to be happy with Christine.

Leroux Gaston. (2008). The Phantom of the Opera. London : Usborne.


BR1-07 : Alice Through The Looking-Glass

Alice Through the Looking-Glass
" Who did dream it? It must have been me or the Red King."(p.63)

This story is a continuation of " Alice's Adventure in Wonderland".Sentences are more complex and difficult than " Alice's Adventure in Wonderland", but I think this one is more interesting. In the Looking- Grass, the ground is look like a chessboard, and Alice advances toward last mass to become the queen. I got a chess set after reading this book. Also, many unique characters are written in this story. I like "the White Queen" the best. In " Alice in Wonderland", the movie directed by  Tim Burton, the White Queen is a very beautiful and intelligent women. In other hund, the White Queen is a nervy women. But I like both.

Carroll, L. (2009). Alice Through The Looking-Glass. London : Usborne.


BR1-06 : The Swan Princess

"Oh Jasper,# cried Eliza, "you've still got a swan's wing!" (p.62)

The Swan Princess (Usborne Young reading) (ペーパーバック)  This story was may favorite when I was a child.The point that I like about this book is Eliza, the heroin of this story is devoted to her family. She makes shirts of nettles to save her 12 brothers, who changed swan. By making shirts, her fingers are covered in blisters, but she doesn't mind. Also, She won't stop making shirts although she is suspected of being which and almost executed for her brothers. And her brothers love Eliza very much. This story makes reader's hart happy.

Anderson Hans. (2005).The Swan Princess/ London : Usborne.



We talked about  that women and men can be the best friend. Our members were Kazuyo, Hitomi, Chie, Natumi, and Atsuko.

Kazuyo, Mai, and Hitomi said that men had a lot of different parts and ideas from women, so women and men could sport each other. Also, they said that we didn't need the love to do that.   I think they should give a concrete example which men has a lot of different parts and ideas from women.

Chie said that it is different that be fascinated by someone to human. Human doesn't love whoever the opposite sex.

Natumi told us the story which she experienced in fact. When she was a high school student, her male friend was declared his love for her. She though the boy as the friend, so she declined. But after that, they could be good friends. She said that women and men could be the best friend but it was very difficult. I think she should speak not only her experience but also other general opinions.

I agree to Chie's opinion the best. I think we don't love other person because of the other sex. We can love only one people. So, I think that women and men can be the best friend.


My collections

Two months ago, I found capsule  toys of Alice in Wonderland at the shop near my house. I tried many times whenever i went to the shop to shopping, and I could have a complete collection at last! I want to make a shelf to display them.

ラッパを吹くうさぎハートの王様 & ハートの女王

BR1- 05 : Beauty and the Beast

                                                         "You can't die! Please, Beast. I love you!(page57)'

Beauty and the BeastI love "Beauty and the Beast", the movie made by Disney. I have seen the musical by "Shiki", the theatrical company two times. But the original is little different from Disney's movie. I hadn't known that the heroine had two sisters. And she pities for Beast's loneliness and decides to stay with him. Her two sisters are both ill-natured and greedy. I think older brothers or sisters which appears on the children's story are always like them, and younger brothers or sisters are kind and unselfish. For example, "A Golden Goose"or "The three Pigs" .Why the youngest children always good people?

Stowell Louie, (1756) . America : Usborne