
Cosmetic Surgery: group 4

We talked about the cosmetic surgery. Our member are Sakurako, Mai, Saori, Shino.

  Sakurako talked about two demerits of cosmetic surgery. First demerit is that getting cosmetic surgery needs a lot of money. Second demerit is that few Japanese people accept cosmetic surgery. She told that the person who got cosmetic surgery might be segregated. I though that she should talk about the prejudice of cosmetic surgery more closely.

  Mai talked about merits of cosmetic surgery. She said that people would be confident in themselves if they got cosmetic surgery. Also, she said that aspiration of fat will make people healthy. I haven't thought that idea. So her opinions was new.

Saori talked about dangers of cosmetic surgery. orthopedic surgery is not guaranteed by medical insurance. She talked about a woman who got cosmetic surgery  and the operate was failed. I thought her presentation was very impactive because of the real story.

Shino said that cosmetic surgery may broke the relationship between our family. Cosmetic surgery changes our face which resembles our parents. That  brokes the relationship between our family.

I think that we should not get cosmetic surgery easily. Today, cosmetic surgery became more cheaper and being not complex, and many people get operation easy. To be sure, cosmetic surgery bring many merits to people. But we should not forget that there are many dangerous or demerits too.

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